Hi, my name is Sjoerd.

I’m 29 years old and born and raised in The Netherlands, most likely the flattest country in the world. For that reason, my parents took me to The Alps in Austria and Switzerland, to hike in the mountains and be amazed by the landscapes since a really young age. They gave me a disposable cameras to capture the 27 best moments to remember, every trip. This is where the urge to capture my travels might have started..

In 2017 I started photography more seriously. I quit my job to travel through Asia and traveled through Indonesia, Myanmar, China and Nepal where photography just got me. This is the moment I started sharing my work on Instagram and got recognized by people and brands faster than I could ever have wished for. The result? Being an Official Canon Netherlands Ambassador which is the greatest recognition I could get. On top of that an audience of 110.000+ engaging followers and working on fantastic projects.

After finishing my marketing studies, I figured creating content is what I loved most. For that reason, I decided to start this company to create content for tourism boards and brands / companies I genuinely like.

Being Official Canon Netherlands Ambassador as Travel Photographer is the greatest recognition I could get.



A story about me

Canon Netherlands and CameraNU created this short documentary about me. About me as a kid, me starting photography and about what photography means to me nowadays.

“It's not always the destination, but the journey that makes a traveling special”